Sustainable Topics

The Media’s Outlook on Nuclear Energy

Humans consumption for energy will continue to rise due to advanced technology, a rising population, and higher standard of living.  Alternative and safer forms of energy such as wind, solar, and thermal energy remain promising and critical to sustaining the earth’s natural resources and the environment at large.  However, the efficiency and the high cost …

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How to Identify VOC Chemical

When calculating VOC emissions for a particular product such as paint material, understanding how to identify VOC of a chemical ingredient is needed for computing VOC. Before we begin, let’s go over a bit about VOC. VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compound, it is a chemical compound with high vapor pressure at ambient temperature that comes from solid or liquid materials such as paint

How to Calculate VOC of a Paint Product

Today’s topic is on how to calculate VOC using a safety data sheet (SDS) of a paint product. Before we begin our calculations let’s go over a little bit about VOC. VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compound, it is a chemical compound with high vapor pressure at ambient temperature that comes from solid or liquid materials such as paint product, fuels, cleaning solvents

Fracking and Media

Hydraulic fracking causes both great excitement and concern among supporters and non-supporters. It opens the door to economic prosperity and the promise of energy stability and independence from foreign oil. But while this door opens, another one closes for environmental groups and concerned citizens who fear the ecological and environmental impact that fracking could present