Hi! welcome to Sustainable Topics.  This website is about providing the tools and knowledge on all things relating to living a more sustainable lives and more.  Discussion topics varies from learning how to calculate air emissions, buying solar panels, top ten sustainable household items, energy bench marking, and so forth.  

The global temperature is changing drastically, creating an unbalance ecosystem and disrupting the natural flow of lives.  The ramification of climate change include: unusual climate patterns, rise in environmental refugees, lost of agricultural and wetland, spike in poverty, etc.   With that being said, it is up to us to take actions, whether individual or collectively, something has to change.  

Sustainable Topics is reliable and science based platform for a quick news/blog and video updates on all topics that maters to saving our ecosystem.  Climate change maybe be a hoax to a handful of people, but to 95% of scientists across the globe climate change is a crisis that will continue to get worse by disrupting the ecosystem and leading to war, famine, displacement, and poverty across the globe.