
To meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Sustainable Topics

Hi! welcome to Sustainable Topics.  This website is about providing the tools and knowledge on all things relating to living a more sustainable lives and more.  Discussion topics varies from learning how to calculate volatile organic compounds, buying solar panels, top ten sustainable household items, energy bench marking, and so forth.  

The global temperature is changing drastically, creating an unbalance ecosystem and disrupting the natural flow of lives.  The ramification of climate change include: unusual climate patterns, rise in environmental refugees, lost of agricultural and wetland, spike in poverty, etc.   With that being said, it is up to us to take actions whether individual or collectively, something has to change.  

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How to get Good Solar Panels Deals for your Home

Going solar is no longer only for people with money or for those who are gung-ho about climate change, but for people of all economic incomes who want to save money or reduce their carbon footprint.  If you are considering getting solar panels, here is some information and negotiating tips I want to share from my personal experience that could help you get better deals.

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How you can advocate for the environment?


Be the Voice

Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, let your voice be heard. Hey introvert! with the rise of social media you can still be heard by being a “virtual extrovert.”



You can still change the world and help fight for our future by serving at your local community


Start within

It’s the little things that matter, start within yourself. Make informed and sustainable decisions that results in bettering yourself and financial rewards.

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